The Month of August with Mogul Productions.

Annie Alfred
3 min readAug 23, 2021

The month of August with Mogul Productions has been an amazing and engaging month, with loads of activities making the month an exciting month to experience.

Mogul Productions surprised the Film industry with the main activity of the month, “The First-ever Mogul Production Showcase” which had three movies “Terminal Station, Devilreaux and MR-9” up for the vote and “Terminal Station”, taking the show by winning Mogul fans’ first-ever mogul voting overcoming two projects. This also managed to meet the comprehensive prerequisites criteria set by Mogul Finance in terms of financing, personnel, and commercial viability, which made it more captivating.

Click here to know more in detail.

Meanwhile, there were series of AMAs and partnerships during the month which added to the growth of the project.

Beefy.Finance is one of the major partnerships that took place this month. Announced on the 3rd of August by the Founder and President, Lisa Sun. This partnership aims to integrate Mogul STARS tokens into compounding Vault; giving STARS token holders increased use cases on the Binance Smart Chain.

Furthermore, there were so many educative, entertaining and captivating AMAs during the month, from Isabella Blake-Thomas up to Elizabeth Blake-Thomas, with some of the AMAs taking place in several telegram channels. Founder and President Lisa Sun and Co-Chair of Film Financing Gorav Seth were also guest speakers for few. The AMA sessions were all entertaining and informative as the Founder and President Lisa Sun and Co-Chair for Film Financing Gorav Seth shared some inspirational stories behind the existence, and also spoke on the aim and objectives, the advantages of the project and also the future Mogul Productions promises to bring to blockchain and Defi industry.

“In film, our partnerships are mostly to get more content for our platform (movies and NFTs) and with best-in-class companies that we’ll be working with to produce films”. Lisa Sun

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About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. Leveraging blockchain and a tokenized model, Mogul incentivizes participation and engagement. Using the Mogul in-app currency and utility token (STARS), users can vote for their favorite films to be greenlit and can also participate in key decision-making aspects of the production. STARS holders are key governing bodies of the Mogul platform, including the profit-sharing pool of capital accruing from Mogul-funded movies. Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced diverse slates of films and TV shows.

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Annie Alfred

A business enthusiast and a blockchain fanatic. Content creator, frontend developer, animation and motion text graphics design